The Analysis of Corporate Governance Practices and Their Impact on Minority Shareholder Rights in the Thai Banking Sector

Kanthapanit, Chinnapat (2013) The Analysis of Corporate Governance Practices and Their Impact on Minority Shareholder Rights in the Thai Banking Sector. PhD thesis, Victoria University.


This study, supported by the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET), investigated the responses of institutional investors in Thailand to corporate governance practices that promote minority shareholder rights. The study examined the compliance of banks with corporate governance standards in the commercial banking sector in Thailand and the relationship between compliance, ownership types, and bank performance. Interviews with experts from the sector preceded a survey of 173 bank executives and investors. The data were analysed using multivariate statistics and regression analysis.

Item type Thesis (PhD thesis)
Subjects Historical > FOR Classification > 1502 Banking, Finance and Investment
Historical > FOR Classification > 1801 Law
Historical > Faculty/School/Research Centre/Department > School of Management and Information Systems
Keywords stakeholders, protection of minority shareholders' rights, bank ownership types, corporate governance practices, bank performance, investor legal protection, free cash flow, bank performance, banks, companies, institutions, corporations, Thailand
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