What’s good for some is not good for others? A critical inquiry into what constrains and drives wellbeing travel participation in Australia

van den Eynde, Alison (2017) What’s good for some is not good for others? A critical inquiry into what constrains and drives wellbeing travel participation in Australia. PhD thesis, Victoria University.


Current literature reports wellbeing travel as a rapidly increasing, profitable international tourism sector. Wellbeing travel is positioned as an antidote to the declining wellbeing in western societies. However, it is also reported that those travelling for wellbeing are for the most part, already ‘healthy and wealthy’, predominately white, middle class and female. Partly in response to the literature, this thesis draws attention to wellbeing travel as more than just a growing tourism sector. In a critical examination of wellbeing travel this thesis explores how and why a small group of people are travelling for wellbeing, and why other people are not. It is argued that non-travel is not an indiscriminate occurrence, but a multi-faceted and sometimes deliberate process, resulting in exclusion.

Item type Thesis (PhD thesis)
URI https://vuir.vu.edu.au/id/eprint/34844
Subjects Historical > FOR Classification > 1506 Tourism
Current > Division/Research > College of Arts and Education
Keywords health tourism, non-travel, tourists, travellers, Australia, Victoria, exclusion, engagement
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