New directions

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Lipman, Geoffrey, DeLacy, Terry, Vorster, Shaun, Hawkins, Rebecca and Jiang, Min (2012) New directions. In: Green growth and travelism: letters from leaders. Lipman, Geoffrey, DeLacy, Terry, Vorster, Shaun, Hawkins, Rebecca and Jiang, Min, eds. Goodfellow Publishers, Oxford, U.K., pp. 22-26.


There is emerging consensus that all sectors must contribute to the evolving green growth paradigm and clear evidence that travelism can make an important contribution as change agent, a wealth generator, jobs creator and cultural integrator.

Item type Book Section
ISBN 9781908999177 (hbk), 9781908999184 (pbk)
Subjects Historical > FOR Classification > 1402 Applied Economics
Historical > FOR Classification > 1605 Policy and Administration
Historical > SEO Classification > 9603 Climate and Climate Change
Historical > Faculty/School/Research Centre/Department > Faculty of Business and Law
Keywords ResPubID26439, ResPubID26456, sustainable growth, sustainable tourism, environmental tourism, environmental protection
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