Exploratory research into motivational factors which influence demand for a country resort

Alegre, Joseph G (1993) Exploratory research into motivational factors which influence demand for a country resort. Coursework Master thesis, Victoria University of Technology.


The purpose of this minor thesis was to research factors that influence a person's decision to visit a country resort, and how this information may be used for marketing purposes. The theoretical framework for the collection and analysis of data was derived from a variety of sources relating to the fields of marketing and tourism. From these sources a questionnaire was constructed, with the aim of finding out from respondents what factors influenced their decision to visit a country resort. Consequently, having obtained this information, it was used to explore how it can be implemented as a marketing tool by using the model as a backdrop to 'how consumers make their decisions based on motivational factors that bear an influence upon the person's decision-making process'.

Additional Information

Master of Business in Tourism Development

Item type Thesis (Coursework Master thesis)
URI https://vuir.vu.edu.au/id/eprint/15556
Subjects Historical > FOR Classification > 1506 Tourism
Historical > Faculty/School/Research Centre/Department > School of Hospitality Tourism and Marketing
Keywords Tourism, New South Wales, tourism marketing, Resorts, tourist motivation
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