Expression of emotion in children from four ethnic groups and mothers' concerns

Jackson, Kathleen Marion (2000) Expression of emotion in children from four ethnic groups and mothers' concerns. PhD thesis, Victoria University of Technology.


This study investigated the expression of emotion of Anglo-Australian, Indian, Hong Kong Chinese and Turkish children who were aged 5- to 8-years. These ethnic groups were chosen because Hofstede (1980) had shown that they held different culture level values and behaved in ways that reflected these differences. It was expected that children in the middle childhood age range would therefore also show differences in emotion-related behaviours. Emotions investigated were happiness, sadness, anger and anxiety, as perceived by the children's mothers.

Item type Thesis (PhD thesis)
Subjects Historical > FOR Classification > 2002 Cultural Studies
Historical > FOR Classification > 1701 Psychology
Historical > Faculty/School/Research Centre/Department > School of Social Sciences and Psychology
Keywords children, emotion, Cross-cultural studies, Mother and child, Child psychology
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