Lidar and infrared radiometer studies of stratocumulus clouds

Pickett, Matthew Charles (1999) Lidar and infrared radiometer studies of stratocumulus clouds. PhD thesis, Victoria University of Technology.


This thesis comprises a study of marine stratocumulus clouds measured by ground-based Lidar and Infrared RADiometry (or LIRAD). The clouds were measured in northwestern Tasmania in the winter of 1993 and summer of 1995 during the Southern Ocean Cloud Experiment (SOCEX). The study done for this thesis represents the first application of the LIRAD method to low boundary layer clouds.

Item type Thesis (PhD thesis)
Subjects Historical > FOR Classification > 0205 Optical Physics
Historical > FOR Classification > 0401 Atmospheric Sciences
Historical > Faculty/School/Research Centre/Department > Centre for Telecommunications and Micro-Electronics (CTME)
Keywords LIDAD, Lidar and Infrared Radiometry, infrared radiometer, stratocumulus clouds, clouds, aerosols
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