Community, consumerism & class : an examination of the works of Martin Mowbray on 'localism'

Crow, Ruth and Crow, Maurie (1984) Community, consumerism & class : an examination of the works of Martin Mowbray on 'localism'. Ruth and Maurie Crow.


It is refreshing to find a sustained effort by academics who seem to identify with a Marxist position analysing Australian society in the area of human services. One such person is Martin Mowbray. He has produced a series of papers (1) over the last three or four years which persistently develop a central core of theory. Unfortunately, controversy developing around some of his ideas is threatening to become divisive. Some progressives[original wording is 'progressives'] are pushing for human services delivery to be devolved to local government level with user involvement in the services and their management. Others - following Mowbray - attack "localism" based on a "community", describing it as a way of cutting costs disguised as an unrealistic myth that legitimates continued central control.

Item type Book
ISBN 0959144102
Subjects Current > Collections > Crow Papers
Historical > FOR Classification > 2202 History and Philosophy of Specific Fields
Historical > FOR Classification > 1606 Political Science
Keywords community, consumerism, Martin Mowbray, health sector, welfare sector, social services, localism, parochialism, Australian society, Marxists, local government, NSW, Victoria, community child care, Hitler, fascists, communists, 1970's, CROW-BOX5-3-24-DOC1
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