A charter for a central region : a principled community view. Human values worth supporting - qualitative growth and other special growth

Crow, Ruth and Crow, Maurie (1986) A charter for a central region : a principled community view. Human values worth supporting - qualitative growth and other special growth. unpublished. (Unpublished)


Items below are presented in the hope they may be useful in the formulation of a Central Region Community Program. They are the underlined passages - the operative clauses - taken from "A Charter for a Central Region - A Principled Community View", which should be referred to wherever the objective or full meaning of any items are not clear. "CAD" in the first heading is short for Central Activities District, the new official name for Melbourne's 'golden mile' which used previously to be referred to as the "CBD" = Central Business District. "CHA" - a still newer term - is short for "Central Host Areas" - inner areas around the CAD, roughly equivalent to the Central Region in extent, containing all-Melbourne or all-Victorian facilities.

Item type Other
URI https://vuir.vu.edu.au/id/eprint/16134
Subjects Historical > FOR Classification > 1205 Urban and Regional Planning
Current > Collections > Crow Papers
Historical > FOR Classification > 1606 Political Science
Keywords human values, Central Region Community Program, Central Business District, growth, heritage, conservation, mixed population, mixed housing, employment, transport design, population increase, Melbourne municipality, housing, council, commercial functions, human services, cultural activities, hubs, traffic issues, CROW-BOX5-3-25-DOC2
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