Power and the People’s Action Party : a study of two parliamentary schemes

Desira, Mark (2004) Power and the People’s Action Party : a study of two parliamentary schemes. Research Master thesis, Victoria University of Technology.


This thesis is intended to contribute to the understanding of h o w the People's Action Party (PAP) has been able to maintain political power in Singapore since before the nation became independent in 1965. Steven Lukes' framework of understanding how power opérâtes from his 1974 book Power: A Radical View will be employed. This thesis will deal with two Parliamentary schemes introduced by the PAP. The Non-Constituency Member of Parliament ( N C M P ) scheme was intended to raise the number of Opposition members in the unicameral Parliament which was dominated by the PAP. The Nominated Member of Parliament (NMP) scheme was intended to bring non-partisan individuals with alternative ideas into Parliament. The intention ofthis thesis is to illustrate that the real motivation behind thèse schemes was to maintain the PAP's political power in Singapore. It will argue that the schemes were intended to 'informally' co-opt individuals. This thesis will examine the success of the schemes' real motivation and also examine the possibility that they could actually work towards weakening the PAP's political power.

Item type Thesis (Research Master thesis)
URI https://vuir.vu.edu.au/id/eprint/16156
Subjects Historical > Faculty/School/Research Centre/Department > School of Social Sciences and Psychology
Historical > FOR Classification > 1606 Political Science
Keywords People’s Action Party, PAP, Steve Lukes, Power a radical view, parliamentary schemes, Non-Constituency Member of Parliament scheme, NCMP scheme, Nominated Member of Parliament scheme, NMP scheme, parliament, monopoly of power, political power, Singapore
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