The environment crisis - can capitalism solve it?

Crow, Maurie (1971) The environment crisis - can capitalism solve it? In: Communist Party of Australia Forum, August, 1971.


The paper is based on a speech by Maurie Crow at a forum organised on the subject by the Communist Party of Australia in Melbourne in August, 1971. Maurie debates on the future ecological imbalance, warning about its irreversible character. In the period of the completion of the transitional phase of socialism on a world scale and from socialism to communism, the problem of ecology seems likely to take on new political dimensions. In his view the situation is one where production methods, administrative controls and political parties are becoming increasingly out of touch with man's needs.

Item type Conference or Workshop Item (Speech)
Subjects Historical > FOR Classification > 1205 Urban and Regional Planning
Historical > FOR Classification > 1606 Political Science
Current > Collections > Crow Papers
Keywords population explosion, resources consumption, climate change, depletion of resources, Australia's future, conservation problems, environment pollution, Conservation Foundation, reform of capitalism, quality of life, political challenge, planning, democracy, environmental issues, CROW-BOX23-25-13-DOC1
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