Chronological chart of the development of children's services in the Melbourne municipality

Crow, Ruth and Crow, Maurie (1984) Chronological chart of the development of children's services in the Melbourne municipality. unpublished. (Unpublished)


The chronological chart of the development of children's services covers the dates from 1890's when 3 creches near work places for women were established in the Melbourne Municipality - City, North Melbourne and Carlton, until March 1983 when public meeting was conducted to launch the new Melbourne Municipality Association of Community-based Children and Youth Services.

Item type Other
Subjects Historical > FOR Classification > 1604 Human Geography
Historical > FOR Classification > 1607 Social Work
Current > Collections > Crow Papers
Keywords Melbourne City Council, Baby Health Centre, kindergartens, creches, Victoria, welfare services, Advisory Council on Children's Services in Melbourne Municipality, community participation, Early Childhood Development Program, CROW-BOX25-25-28X-DOC3
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