Ecoso exchange newsletter 2/33; Dec. 1994

(1994) Ecoso exchange newsletter 2/33; Dec. 1994. Ecoso exchange newsletter, 2 (33). pp. 1-14.


In this issue: Pages: 1. News from the Crow Collection 2. "Opening the Door to Dance" 2. Noel Butlin Archives 2. Gloaming in the Gardens 2. Tributes to Lloyd Edmonds from Ruth Crow, Caroline Rasmussen, Joan Kirner 5. Why Menzies is Called "Pig Iron Bob" 7. Lenin's Description of the ALP 8. Jenny Beacham's Views on Labour Women 9. Tom Uren's View on Labour History 9. Electoral Reform Issues in Victoria 10. Holiday Reading 11. Co-op Kobe - Mutuality Japanese Style 12. Ecoso Guidelines

Item type Article
Subjects Historical > FOR Classification > 1606 Political Science
Historical > FOR Classification > 1608 Sociology
Current > Collections > Crow Papers
Keywords Noel Butlin Archives Centre, Australian National University, Australian Society for the Study of Labour History, white collar unions, 1940's, 1950's, Frank Meyer, Clerks Union, Radical Ecology Conference, neighbourhood community, Liberal Party, Robert Gordon Menzies, Communist Party, 1940's, Australian Labor Party, 1910's, Victorian Labor Party, Joan Kirner, consumer cooperatives
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