Four Logarithmically Completely Monotonic Functions Involving Gamma Function and Originating from Problems of Traffic Flow

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Qi, Feng, Cao, Jian and Niu, Da-Wei (2006) Four Logarithmically Completely Monotonic Functions Involving Gamma Function and Originating from Problems of Traffic Flow. Research report collection, 9 (3).


In this paper, two classes of functions, involving a parameter and the Euler gamma function, and two functions, involving the Euler gamma function, are verified to be logarithmically completely monotonic in (-½, ∞) or (0,∞) and an inequality involving the Euler gamma function, due to J.Wendel, is refined partially.

Item type Article
Subjects Historical > FOR Classification > 0101 Pure Mathematics
Current > Collections > Research Group in Mathematical Inequalities and Applications (RGMIA)
Keywords logarithmically completely monotonic function, gamma function, inequality
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