Artificial Neural Network Models in the Diagnosis of Balance Impairments

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Begg, Rezaul, Hassan, Rafiul, Taylor, Simon and Palaniswami, M (2005) Artificial Neural Network Models in the Diagnosis of Balance Impairments. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Sensing and Information Processing 2005 : ‬4-7 January 2005, Chennai, India. Palaniswami, M, ed. IEEE, ‬Piscataway, N.J, pp. 518-522.


Falls in older population is a major public health issue and tripping is a major cause of falls. The main aim of this research is to explore effectiveness of artificial neural network (ANN) models for automated recognition of gait changes due to falllng behaviour. Minimum foot clearance (MFC) during contmuous walking on a treadmill was recorded on 10 healthy elderly and 10 elderly with reported balance problem and tripping falls history. MFC histogram characteristic features were used as inputs to a three-layer ANN model with backpropagation error corrections algorithm to build relationships between MFC features and healthy/balance-impaired category. A number of lests were performed to find out optimum architecture of the ANN system i.c., number of hidden layers and neurons. Cross-validation and Jack-knife techniques were utilized for training the models and subsequently, testing model performance of the trained ANN models. Receiver operating characteristics (ROC) plots, sensitivity and specificity results as well as accuracy rates were used to evaluate performance of the diagnostic model. Test results indicate that ANN architecture with I hidden layer consisting of 8 neurons would be sufficient for providing optimal performance. The generalization pe.rrornlance of the diagnostic model was found to be >91.7% (ROC:U-<a >.(4) with respect to its capacity to classify healthy and balance-impaired gait patterns, with sensitivity >0.95 and specificity >.71. The results of this study demonstrate considerable potential by neural network models in the detection of gait changes in ageing population as a result of balance impairments and falling behavior. Such ANN :nodel may prove to be useful in the clinicall rehabilitation context to categorize normal and pathological gait patterns for diagnosis and also for monitoring improvements.

Additional Information

Date of Conference: 4-7 Jan. 2005
Alternative title: Proceedings of ICISIP - 2005

Item type Book Section
Official URL
ISBN 0780388402
Subjects Historical > FOR Classification > 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing
Historical > FOR Classification > 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science
Historical > Faculty/School/Research Centre/Department > Centre for Ageing, Rehabilitation, Exercise & Sport Science (CARES)
Keywords artificial neural network, ANN, gait pattern, MFC, ageing, aging, balance impairment, minimum toe clearance, MFC, normal gait, sensitivity, specificity
Citations in Scopus 9 - View on Scopus
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