Melburnia: transforming the transaction
Grow, Heath Scott and Armstrong, Anona (2013) Melburnia: transforming the transaction. In: CAUTHE 2013: Tourism and Global Change: On the Edge of Something Big, Proceedings of the 23rd CAUTHE conference, Lincoln University, NZ. Council for Australasian University Tourism and Hospitality Education, Christchurch, New Zealand, pp. 251-267.
This study explored the relationship between leaders' sex, age, and education level and their preferred leadership style. Data were collected from staff employed in accomodation hotels in Melbourne, Australia. Data from the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire were analysed using MANOVA and ANOVA. The findings suggested that this study is consistent with previous sex-difference research while providing a counterintuitive perspective: males appeared more Transformational. --CAUTHE conference held: Lincoln University, Christchurch, New Zealand, 11-14 February 2013
Item type | Book Section |
URI | |
ISBN | 9780864762832 (CD-ROM) |
Subjects | Historical > FOR Classification > 1504 Services Current > Division/Research > College of Law and Justice |
Keywords | gender, Melbourne, Australian hospitality industry, leadership, sex, age, education |
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