Tourism and Hospitality Education in Australia: Past Present and future

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King, Brian (2009) Tourism and Hospitality Education in Australia: Past Present and future. In: International Academy for the Study of Tourism Biannual Conference 2009, 2009, Palma de Mallorca, Spain. (Submitted)


Australia was a latecomer to university tourism and hospitality education provisionrelative to other countries in the English-speaking world such as the UK and the USA.However over the last three decades, Australia has gained a considerable reputationinternationally as a leading provider of tourism and hospitality programmes andresearch. From a slow beginning in the 1970s, degree provision took off in the late1980s, expanded rapidly and then matured through the 1990s. Whilst there is asubstantial literature on the birth and early development of tourism and hospitalityeducation in Australia, less has been written about future directions, challenges andopportunities. This investigation of current issues and future challenges draws uponsurvey of stakeholders, including program directors as well as the views of the author as an active player in the education field since the mid-1980s. The emerging view isthat the future for tourism and hospitality education in Australia is positive, but thatany growth will be very constrained, resulting in some emerging challenges for current providers.

Item type Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Subjects Historical > FOR Classification > 1506 Tourism
Historical > Faculty/School/Research Centre/Department > College of Business
Keywords tourism and hospitality education, degree and postgraduate programs,industry, society and educational change
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