Tapol bulletin no, 74, March 1986

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(1986) Tapol bulletin no, 74, March 1986. Tapol bulletin (74). pp. 1-24. ISSN 1356-1154


Contents: Buyung Nasution stripped of his right to practice? -- Testimony of a witness who was shot three times -- Testimony of a witness who lost a leg -- Armed Forces commander lambasts the press -- Robots of justice -- 60 MPs of all parties oppose deal with Indonesia -- West Papuans secretly removed from Jayapura -- Oil takes over as the key issue -- Corry Ap talks about the refugees and the camps -- ABRI Masuk Desa: Creating a superior breed -- A cover-up from Washington

Item type Article
URI https://vuir.vu.edu.au/id/eprint/26234
Subjects Historical > FOR Classification > 1606 Political Science
Historical > FOR Classification > 1608 Sociology
Current > Collections > Timor Leste
Keywords Indonesia, East Timor, West Papua, Tanjung Priok massacre, ABRI, Indonesian armed forces, World Bank, Muslims, Inter-Governmental Group on Indonesia, subversion trials, political prisoners, OPM guerilla leaders, West Papuan armed resistance movement, Bill Hayden
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