Snake tales : review of second instalment of Dr. R. Sykes autobiography

Foley, Gary (1999) Snake tales : review of second instalment of Dr. R. Sykes autobiography. In: The power of whiteness and other essays. Aboriginal studies occasional paper (1). Centre for Indigenous Education, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, pp. 70-72.


A version is on KooriWeb site titled as: 'Snake Tales : a review of Roberta Sykes' book Snake Cradle'

Item type Book Section
Subjects Historical > FOR Classification > 1606 Political Science
Historical > FOR Classification > 2103 Historical Studies
Current > Collections > Foley Collection
Keywords Roberta Sykes, Aboriginal Medical Service, health services, political action, activism, Indigenous peoples, politics and goverment, civil rights and citizenship, Snake Cradle, Snake Dreaming, 1972, Black Power, Australia, political action, indigenous embassies and political missions, Tent Embassy, Parliament House, Canberra
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