Theoretical and Practical Contexts of Triple Bottom Line Performance and Reporting: Implications for the Tourism Sector

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Faux, Jeffrey (2005) Theoretical and Practical Contexts of Triple Bottom Line Performance and Reporting: Implications for the Tourism Sector. Tourism Review International, 9 (1). pp. 95-105. ISSN 1544-2721


Triple Bottom Line (TBL) is defined and explained within the context of a broad philosophical approach to business and a more narrow perspective of reporting performance. The impact of the broader notion of sustainable development, with its macro- and microdimensions, on TBL, is also discussed along with alternative ideological imperatives. The theoretical perspectives consider the effect of legitimacy and accountability theories on reporting and performance in the tourism sector. The operational level of TBL assumes the adoption of the responsible business philosophy of being accountable for the economic, environmental, and social outcomes of the organization and moves the discussion along to the reporting of relevant issues and the determinants of quality reporting. The need for a reporting perspective is considered within the user, stakeholder, and societal assurance perspectives. An example of the infancy of the process is demonstrated through a discussion of performance reporting by Earth Sanctuaries Ltd., an Australian company. Earth Sanctuaries Ltd. is a unique case as it generates revenue from tourism activities in order to support its primary conservation objective.

Item type Article
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Subjects Historical > FOR Classification > 1506 Tourism
Historical > Faculty/School/Research Centre/Department > School of Accounting
Historical > FOR Classification > 1503 Business and Management
Keywords ResPubID8582; triple Bottom Line, sustainability, performance and reporting, Earth Sanctuaries Ltd., Australia
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