Canvassing the emotions : women, creativity and mental health in context

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Northfield, Sally (2014) Canvassing the emotions : women, creativity and mental health in context. PhD thesis, Victoria University.


Canvassing the emotions examines the role and meaning of artmaking in the lives of women who have experienced mental ill-health and/or psychological trauma in Australia between the 1950s and the present. Hovering at the nexus of a number of contested domains, the thesis bypasses the perennial question of what is art to explore the neglected and perhaps more interesting query – what does art do for the artmaker? – and associated questions of why does art matter; what is the function of artmaking in relation to wellbeing; and what are the implications of a thwarted life of making? The thesis presents the findings of three studies: The Exhibition – a touring exhibition of art produced by women with an experience of mental ill-health; The Interviews – with thirty-two women who make art and who have experienced mental ill-health; and The Collage – a collation of women’s accounts of – what does art do?

Item type Thesis (PhD thesis)
Subjects Historical > FOR Classification > 1701 Psychology
Historical > FOR Classification > 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts
Historical > FOR Classification > 2002 Cultural Studies
Historical > Faculty/School/Research Centre/Department > College of Arts
Keywords artmaking, women, creativity, mental health, artists, feminism, diffraction, epistemology, ontology, art exhibitions, mental ill-health, mentally ill, Australia, 20th century, materialism, mind and body, art therapy
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