The design and optimisation of a reflective concentrator photovoltaic generator system

Lasich, John (2009) The design and optimisation of a reflective concentrator photovoltaic generator system. PhD thesis, Victoria University.


In these uncertain times having a clean, secure and definable energy supply will be a key ingredient necessary to provide a platform to underpin and stabilise our financial and economic systems while removing one of the greatest causes of political conflict. The solar energy resource is widespread and can provide more than a thousand fold for our energy needs for the foreseeable future. To effectively harness this energy a number of challenges must be met to overcome shortcomings and inertia including aspects of a technical, social and political nature.

Item type Thesis (PhD thesis)
Subjects Historical > FOR Classification > 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Historical > Faculty/School/Research Centre/Department > Centre for Environmental Safety and Risk Engineering (CESARE)
Keywords photovoltaic power generation, solar concentrators, alternative energy, dish solar concentrator, high concentration, solar cells, dish CPV system, performance, reliability, generators, concentrator photovoltaics, Australia
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