Improving Winery Survey Response Rates: Lessons from the Australian Wine Industry

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Sellitto, Carmine (2006) Improving Winery Survey Response Rates: Lessons from the Australian Wine Industry. International Journal of Wine Marketing, 18 (2). pp. 150-152. ISSN 0954-7541


Purpose – The paper aims to document a set of important success factors that need to be considered when undertaking traditional surveys within the Australian wine industry. Design/methodology/approach – Reflecting on the relatively high rate of survey returns from research conducted within the Australian wineries, the author succinctly identifies a set of industry-based values and operational conditions that appear to directly impact on improving survey response rates. Findings – Six success factors should be considered in order to improve winery survey response rates. The factors entail survey design (length, stakeholder engagement, return-by-date), preliminary testing (pilot survey testing) and implementation (survey timing, feedback of results). Research limitations/implications – As a viewpoint, the article needs to be considered from an Australian context with the proposed factors being a preliminary starting guide for researchers undertaking surveys. Practical implications – The identified factors associated with improving survey responses are wineindustry specific and will be useful to all researchers conducting surveys in the industry. Originality/value – The paper is significant in that it identifies a set of wine industry-based values and conditions that appear to influence survey response rates. The paper will be of interest to global wineindustry researchers that use the survey instrument.

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Item type Article
DOI 10.1108/09547540610681121 (external link)
Official URL (external link)
Subjects Historical > Faculty/School/Research Centre/Department > School of Management and Information Systems
Historical > FOR Classification > 0806 Information Systems
Historical > FOR Classification > 1503 Business and Management
Keywords ResPubID10304, wines, surveys, Australia
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