Australian Health Policy Collaboration

Statement of commitment

Chronic diseases prevention for Australia: Statement of commitment

We call for, and are active contributors towards, a systemic and sustained approach to the prevention and management of chronic diseases in Australia. 


On this page

Core principles

Action is required urgently to reduce the incidence and impact of chronic diseases, and must address the underlying risk factors and determinants. There is a critical need for a national prevention agenda.

We support a set of core principles that provide a common platform for interventions to prevent chronic diseases:

  1. A systemic approach—focussing on common risk factors and determinants.

  2. Evidence-based action—acting now, using best available evidence, and continuing to build evidence.

  3. Tackling health inequity and health disparity—working to improve and redress inequities and disparities in access to programs, services and inequities in outcomes.

  4. A national agenda with local action—building commitment and innovation with local and community-level actions.

  5. A life course approach—intervening early and exploiting prevention opportunities at all ages and across generations.

  6. Shared responsibility—encouraging complementary actions by all groups.

  7. Responsible partnerships—avoiding ceding policy influence to vested interests.

We propose the development and implementation of chronic disease targets and indicators as important elements of accountability for prevention. Monitoring and public reporting on the targets and indicators will support the successful implementation of preventive interventions.

The benefits of reducing the incidence and impact of chronic diseases are nationally significant. They extend beyond the impact on the health of individuals to our children’s future, the wellbeing of the communities in which we live, and the economic prosperity of our society.



Arthritis and Osteoporosis Victoria George Institute for Global Health
Australia and New Zealand Obesity Society Health West Partnership
Australian Centre for Health Research Inner North West Primary Care Partnership
Australian Dental Association Kidney Health Australia
Australian Disease Management Association Lowitja Institute
Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations Mental Health Australia
Australian Health Care Reform Alliance National Heart Foundation
Australian Health Promotion Association National Rural Health Alliance
Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association National Stroke Foundation
Australian Psychological Society NCDFREE
Australian Women’s Health Network Network of Alcohol and other Drugs Agencies
Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute Networking Health Victoria
Better Health Plan for the West Obesity Australia
Brimbank City Council Overcoming Multiple Sclerosis
Cabrini Institute People’s Health Movement OZ
Cancer Council Australia Public Health Association of Australia
Catholic Health Australia Royal Flying Doctor Service
Centre of Excellence in Intervention and Prevention Science School of Medicine, University of Notre Dame
Charles Perkins Centre, University of Sydney Services for Australian Rural and Remote Allied Health
Chronic Illness Alliance Social Determinants of Health Alliance
CLAN South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute
Cohealth The Telethon Kids Institute
CRANAplus Victoria University
Deakin University Victorian Health Promotion Foundation
Diabetes Australia  YMCA
Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education