Re-writing indigeneity : questioning postcoloniality

Twomey, Maryanne (2003) Re-writing indigeneity : questioning postcoloniality. Honours thesis, Victoria University of Technology.


The portrayal of identity in contemporary Aboriginal writing is as varied and multifaceted as the notion of ' Aboriginality' itself. This thesis explores some of the issues and aspects of identity arising from Indigenous literature, particularly focusing on four recent texts that each, at times loosely, falls into the category of fiction. Postcolonial theory is considered in relation to the aims of Aboriginal writing, especially as to how such theory may, or may not, contribute to the project of decolonisation.

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Bachelor of Arts (Honours)

Item type Thesis (Honours thesis)
Subjects Historical > Faculty/School/Research Centre/Department > School of Communication and the Arts
Historical > FOR Classification > 2002 Cultural Studies
Historical > FOR Classification > 2005 Literary Studies
Keywords Australian literature, Aboriginal Australian authors, criticism, postcolonialism, Australia
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