"Australia full : Asians out! White supremacists in!" : a study of the dynamics of the Australian National Action Movement in Australia

Sewell, Bon (1995) "Australia full : Asians out! White supremacists in!" : a study of the dynamics of the Australian National Action Movement in Australia. Honours thesis, Victoria University of Technology.


My rationale for tackling this particular issue for my thesis work stems from the immense fascination in the rhetoric, appearance and rationale of extremist right-wing and ultra-nationalist pohtical organizations I have personally experienced. I desired to determine whether an Australian national racist organization, namely Australian National Action (NA), could in the future be a force to be reckoned with, or whether they will forever remain as an insignificant and languishing fringe group. To explore this possibiUty, I had hoped to delve into the dynamics of this organization via the utilisation and answering of several probing and pivotal questions.

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Bachelor of Arts (Honours)

Item type Thesis (Honours thesis)
URI https://vuir.vu.edu.au/id/eprint/32990
Subjects Historical > Faculty/School/Research Centre/Department > School of Communication and the Arts
Historical > FOR Classification > 1606 Political Science
Keywords racism, Australia, right wing, politics, race relations
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