Keni ni ha'ananauha : women : as givers of wisdom. Rethinking the changing roles of rural women in Waisisi Community (Surairo, Kopo and Hunanahara), Solomon Islands, 1997

Pollard, Alice Aruhe'eta (1997) Keni ni ha'ananauha : women : as givers of wisdom. Rethinking the changing roles of rural women in Waisisi Community (Surairo, Kopo and Hunanahara), Solomon Islands, 1997. Coursework Master thesis, Victoria University of Technology.


The term keni ni ha 'ananauha in the Are'Are language was repeatedly voiced out by the women, as one of the most important roles and contributions women can give towards the wellbeing and future direction of their children. It simply means, the passing of knowledge, wisdom and kastom values to their children very early in life through word of mouth and practical demonstration. Regardless of the gender of the child, this task must be performed by the women. The men also contribute a great deal at a later time in helping the child through ha 'ananauha..

Additional Information

Master of Arts

Item type Thesis (Coursework Master thesis)
Subjects Historical > Faculty/School/Research Centre/Department > School of Communication and the Arts
Historical > FOR Classification > 2002 Cultural Studies
Keywords rural women, Solomon Islands, gender roles
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