Re-negotiating radio : Vietnamese community media in a time of change

Nguyen, Hang (2007) Re-negotiating radio : Vietnamese community media in a time of change. Coursework Master thesis, Victoria University.


The present study aims to find out more about the function and potential of community based Vietnamese language radio in Melbourne. The research took place in three stages. The first stage explored broad patterns of media consumption among Vietnamese-Australians. The second stage required the profiling of all existing community radio based Vietnamese language programs in Melbourne. The final stage involved an in-depth discussion with members of the Vietnamese community based around a "radio scenario", where a sample of participants were asked to assume the role of radio producer for an imagined three hour Vietnamese language program to be broadcast on a community radio station.

Additional Information

Master of Arts in Communication

Item type Thesis (Coursework Master thesis)
Subjects Historical > Faculty/School/Research Centre/Department > School of Communication and the Arts
Historical > FOR Classification > 2002 Cultural Studies
Keywords radio broadcasting, ethnic radio broadcasting, Australia, minorities, Vietnamese
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