Review of the Australian Synchrotron: Impact in Terms of Costs and Benefits
Rasmussen, Bruce ORCID: 0000-0001-5779-0339, Pensabene, T and Welsh, Alison
Review of the Australian Synchrotron: Impact in Terms of Costs and Benefits.
Technical Report.
Victoria Institute of Strategic Economic Studies, Melbourne.
Review of the Australian Synchrotron: Impact in Terms of Costs and Benefits Investigators: Bruce Rasmussen and Alison Welsh (VISES) with Tony Pensabene (Elgin Economics) Funded by: Department of Industry, Canberra Funding 2014: $41,220 Description: The Department commissioned a review to understand the impact, in terms of costs and benefits, of the Australian Synchrotron (the Synchrotron). In measuring the impact, the review considered the direct costs of construction and operation; costs of capital upgrades; impact of research undertaken; improved productivity from application of research; employment and development of highly skilled workers; collaboration with Australia and internationally; technology transfer and commercialisation; revenue derived from industry use including number of patents derived; and direct economic benefits including tax and local area benefits. It was primarily literature based research followed up by discussions with Synchrotron staff, suppliers and users of the facilities. The report documents the impressive gains by the Synchrotron, not only as the operator of a key piece of scientific infrastructure expertly serving the scientific community, but also in developing its role more generally in the Australian innovation system, through its enhancement and active support for the Monash Technology Cluster. Output: Review of the Australian Synchrotron: Impact in Terms of Costs and Benefits, Report to Department of Industry
Additional Information | Commissioned by: Australian Department of Industry |
Item type | Monograph (Technical Report) |
URI | |
Subjects | Historical > FOR Classification > 1402 Applied Economics Historical > Faculty/School/Research Centre/Department > Victoria Institute of Strategic Economic Studies (VISES) |
Keywords | Synchrotron; Structural biology; research facilities; scientific infrastructure; Australia |
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