Interstage Crystallisation to enhance two stage reverse osmosis (RO) recovery - Milestone 6: Final Report

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Sanciolo, Peter ORCID: 0000-0001-7786-6038, Ostarcevix, E, Atherton, Paul, Leslie, G, Fane, T, Cohen, Yoram, Payne, M and Gray, Stephen ORCID: 0000-0002-8748-2748 (2011) Interstage Crystallisation to enhance two stage reverse osmosis (RO) recovery - Milestone 6: Final Report. Project Report. Smart Water Fund, Victoria, Australia.

Additional Information

Commissioning body: Smart Water Fund

Item type Monograph (Project Report)
Official URL
Subjects Historical > FOR Classification > 0904 Chemical Engineering
Historical > Faculty/School/Research Centre/Department > Institute for Sustainability and Innovation (ISI)
Keywords water recovery; waste brine; calcium ions; dissolved air flotation; ultrafiltration; accelerated seeded precipitation; ceramic ultrafiltration
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