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Gandolfo, Enza ORCID: 0000-0001-9215-2500, Harris, Anne and Evans, M Transience. [Show/Exhibition]


Transience presented the work of an exceptional group of women artists from migrant and refugee backgrounds. Merlinda Bobis, Jigzie Campbell, Lella Carridi and Vincenza Fazzalori, Ok-Hean Chang, Mehwish Iqbal, Helen Kassa, Hiromi Tango, My Le Thi, Yumi Umiumare and Sivan Gabrielovitch have been participating in a community research project Art/Hope/Culture: Empowering Women’s Art and Culture that explored the impact of intercultural mobilities and resettlement on their art and their art making processes. Researchers Anne Harris and Enza Gandolfo have engaged in dialogue with the artists and documented these in a series of short films (included in the exhibition along with the artwork) that celebrate, explore and promote the artists’ work and valuable contributions to Australian art and cultural life. The artworks represent a range of disciplines including film, visual arts, performance, literature and multi-modalities. The exhibition was held at the Footscray Community Arts Centre in March 2014 and opened by author Alice Pung

Additional Information

This exhibition was the outcome of a research project. While the exhibition was curated by Dr Megan Evans this was a collaborative effort and the artworks were selected by Dr Enza Gandolfo and Dr Anne Harris as part of the research process which included extensive interviews.

Item type Show/Exhibition
Official URL
Subjects Historical > FOR Classification > 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts
Historical > Faculty/School/Research Centre/Department > College of Arts
Keywords women artworks; Australian art
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