Book Review: South Pacific Adventure: Memoirs - By Jack Close. Hull, Riverhead, 2011. 243 pp., photos, map, illus. ISBN 978-0-9567782-3-9

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Adams, Ron (2013) Book Review: South Pacific Adventure: Memoirs - By Jack Close. Hull, Riverhead, 2011. 243 pp., photos, map, illus. ISBN 978-0-9567782-3-9. The Journal of Pacific History, 48 (2). 239 - 240. ISSN 0022-3344

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Item type Article
DOI 10.1080/00223344.2013.778518 (external link)
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Subjects Historical > FOR Classification > 2002 Cultural Studies
Historical > FOR Classification > 2103 Historical Studies
Current > Division/Research > Other
Keywords travel; tourism; Jack Close; Eileen Close; biography; biographies; sea travel; Pacific Ocean; Pacific Region
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