MOF-coated optical fiber sensor for detection of 4-aminopyridine in water

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Nazari, M, Collins, Stephen F, Hill, Matthew R and Duke, Mikel ORCID: 0000-0002-3383-0006 (2018) MOF-coated optical fiber sensor for detection of 4-aminopyridine in water. In: Optical Sensors 2018, 02 July 2018-05 July 2018, Zurich, Switzerland.

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Item type Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
DOI 10.1364/SENSORS.2018.SeM4E.2
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ISBN 9781943580439
Subjects Historical > FOR Classification > 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Current > Division/Research > College of Science and Engineering
Historical > Faculty/School/Research Centre/Department > Institute for Sustainability and Innovation (ISI)
Keywords metal organic framework; thin-films
Citations in Scopus 0 - View on Scopus
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