Unfinished Business, perspectives on art and feminism

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(2017) Unfinished Business, perspectives on art and feminism. [Show/Exhibition]


Unfinished Business is a major exhibition conceived to animate critical, albeit under-represented, practices and debates within contemporary Australian art and society. Surveying the diverse scope of feminist art practices – including painting, performance, photography and film to community engagement and cultural activism – the exhibition focuses upon the dynamic formal invention and social engagement of feminist artists. It explores strategies and analyses of gender identity and representation, intersectional politics, and practices which embrace performative codes, text and media technologies, humour and critique. - ACCA website

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Exhibition catalogue available at https://shop.acca.melbourne/collections/publications/products/unfinishedbusinesscatalogue

Item type Show/Exhibition
URI https://vuir.vu.edu.au/id/eprint/39272
Official URL https://acca.melbourne/exhibition/unfinished-busin... (external link)
Subjects Historical > FOR Classification > 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts
Historical > FOR Classification > 2002 Cultural Studies
Current > Division/Research > Moondani Balluk
Keywords 1 Eligible as Research Output (c-research-output-type), Feminist art, Feminism
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