The Hunter Valley: Historicising a multi-form wine-world in the grape-wine-complex

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McIntyre, Julie and Germov, John ORCID: 0000-0001-6696-816X (2021) The Hunter Valley: Historicising a multi-form wine-world in the grape-wine-complex. In: Wine, Networks and Scales: Intermediation in the production, distribution and consumption of wine. Lachaud, S, Marache, C, McIntyre, J and Pierre, M, eds. Business and Innovation (25). Peter Lang, Brussels, Begium, pp. 199-215.

Item type Book Section
Edition 1st
ISBN 9782807614185
Subjects Current > FOR (2020) Classification > 4410 Sociology
Current > Division/Research > Chancellery
Keywords wine industry, history, complexity, Hunter Region, New South Wales
Citations in Scopus 1 - View on Scopus
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