The Use of Motor Imagery in Closed Self-Paced Motor Tasks

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Spittle, Michael ORCID: 0000-0002-6094-5087, Lindsay, Riki and Morris, Tony (2022) The Use of Motor Imagery in Closed Self-Paced Motor Tasks. In: The Psychology of Closed Self-Paced Motor Tasks in Sports. Lidor, R and Ziv, G, eds. Routledge Psychology of Sport, Exercise, and Physical Activity . Routledge, New York, pp. 93-108.

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DOI 10.4324/9781003148425
Official URL
ISBN 9780367708979 (print) 9780367708979 (print) 9781003148425 (online)
Subjects Current > FOR (2020) Classification > 4207 Sports science and exercise
Current > Division/Research > Institute for Health and Sport
Current > Division/Research > College of Sports and Exercise Science
Keywords motor imagery, sport, skill acquisition, motor skills
Citations in Scopus 0 - View on Scopus
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