A deep reinforcement learning-based wireless body area network offloading optimization strategy for healthcare services

Chen, Yingqun, Han, Shaodong, Chen, Guihong ORCID: 0000-0002-0760-7011, Yin, Jiao ORCID: 0000-0002-0269-2624, Wang, Kate and Cao, Jinli (2023) A deep reinforcement learning-based wireless body area network offloading optimization strategy for healthcare services. Health Information Science and Systems, 11 (1). ISSN 2047-2501

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This version of the article has been accepted for publication, after peer review (when applicable) and is subject to Springer Nature’s AM terms of use, but is not the Version of Record and does not reflect post-acceptance improvements, or any corrections. See Version of Record

Item type Article
URI https://vuir.vu.edu.au/id/eprint/47945
DOI 10.1007/s13755-023-00212-3
Official URL https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13755-0...
Subjects Current > FOR (2020) Classification > 4606 Distributed computing and systems software
Current > Division/Research > Institute for Sustainable Industries and Liveable Cities
Keywords mobile edge computing; WBAN; computational offloading; resource allocation; healthcare monitoring; deep deterministic policy gradient
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