Sport Philosophy in Oceania Countries

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Burke, Michael ORCID: 0000-0003-1486-5972 (2024) Sport Philosophy in Oceania Countries. In: Routledge Resources Online- Sport Studies. Girginov, V and Lopez Frias, FJ, eds. Routledge Resources Online - Sport Studies . Routledge, London.


Sport resonates in the cultures of the countries of the Oceania region like almost no other activity. At the same time, all levels of sport deal with ongoing public concern about issues such as drug use and drug control, racial vilification and other forms of racism, gambling and integrity, child safeguarding, homophobia, gender/sex and transgender discrimination, violence and injuries, athlete rights, and the public subsidisation of sporting events. In spite of these conspicuous public issues, the broader shift away from the humanities and social sciences in academia has resulted in declining educational opportunities in Oceania universities to devote serious philosophical attention to sport. Yet, the development of the concept of sports integrity has meant a growth in academics from the Oceania region dealing with philosophical and ethical based issues in research.

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Item type Book Section
Edition 1st
DOI 10.4324/9780367766924-RESS114-1
Official URL
ISBN 9780367766924
Subjects Current > FOR (2020) Classification > 4207 Sports science and exercise
Current > Division/Research > College of Sports and Exercise Science
Keywords regional sport education program, sport philosophers, Australia, Pacific Islands
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