Aspirational Coaching: Leadership in Victorian Junior Women's Basketball

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Burke, Michael and Hallinan, Christopher J (2004) Aspirational Coaching: Leadership in Victorian Junior Women's Basketball. In: TASA 2004 refereed conference : proceedings : revisioning sociology. Richmond, Katy, ed. The Australian Sociological Association, St. Lucia, Qld.


This research project analyses a sporting setting, elite junior basketball in Victoria, and investigates, via participant observation and interview, the strategies used by both male and female coaches to improve their own situations, and to broaden their margins of liberty in acting. The effect of the implementation of Title IX in American College sports has been one of increased opportunities for women to play sport. Yet, whilst the number of female athletes has increased, there has been a substantial reduction in the number of female coaches and administrators. The suggested reason for this is that as women’s sport became part of the college sport economy, opportunities for coaching were given to men. Our research would suggest that such a discrepancy in the sex of coaches occurs in a number of sporting settings that are not professional. We would suggest that the coaching discourse precedes the existence of monetary reward, and it is this discourse, which limits the type of subject positions that females can appropriate. Annual conference of The Australian Sociological Association (TASA) held at the Beechworth Campus of La Trobe University, December 8-11, 2004

Item type Book Section
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ISBN 0959846042
Subjects Historical > FOR Classification > 1106 Human Movement and Sports Science
Historical > FOR Classification > 2002 Cultural Studies
Historical > Faculty/School/Research Centre/Department > Centre for Ageing, Rehabilitation, Exercise & Sport Science (CARES)
Keywords ResPubID7015, subcultural capital, economic capital, coaching camps, elitism, prestige, Michel Foucault, feminist investigations, social construction, organisational sexism
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