B2E Portal Maturity: An Employee Self-Service Case Study

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Stein, Andrew and Hawking, Paul (2003) B2E Portal Maturity: An Employee Self-Service Case Study. In: AusWeb03 : changing the way we work : proceedings of AusWeb03, the ninth Australian World Wide Web Conference. Southern Cross University, Lismore, NSW, pp. 33-44.


The Australian ERP industry has matched global trends in ERP usage and in 2001/2002 SAP has made moves to introduce a "second and third wave" of functionality in ERP systems. Research up to date has been limited especially in the relation to market penetration and effectiveness of these new "second wave" products in the Australian region. Companies around the world are exploring various Internet business models, mostly B2B & B2C, to evaluate their potential and business implications. A number of Australian companies have realised the relative quick gains with low associated risks that can be achieved through the business to employee (B2E) model. Employee Self Service (ESS) is a solution based on the B2E model that enables employee's access to the corporate human resource information system. This paper looks at the development of the human resources (HR) portal and presents the findings of a case study of a leading Australian telecommunications company that has implemented a "second wave" ESS portal. A model depicting portal maturity is presented and analysis shows that the ESS portal can be categorised as first generation with an "Access Rich" focus. Planned developments for moving the portal to second generation with a collaboration focus are proceeding.

Item type Book Section
URI https://vuir.vu.edu.au/id/eprint/5263
Official URL http://ausweb.scu.edu.au/aw03/papers/stein_______2... (external link)
ISBN 1863844937
Subjects Historical > Faculty/School/Research Centre/Department > School of Management and Information Systems
Historical > FOR Classification > 0806 Information Systems
Keywords ResPubID5385, Australian Communications Organisation, Auscom, Australian ERP industry, portal, delivery platform, customer service representative, CSR, interactive voice response, IVR, human resource management, eHR, Internet business model, ERP systems
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