Geometric Means, Index Mappings and Supermultiplicativity

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Pearce, Charles, Comănescu, Dan and Dragomir, Sever S (2003) Geometric Means, Index Mappings and Supermultiplicativity. In: Inequality Theory and Applications, Volume 2. Cho, Y. J, Kim, J. K and Dragomir, S. S, eds. Nova Science Publishers, ‬Huntington, N.Y., pp. 193-201.


Some maps are defined which derive naturally from weighted geometric means. They are shown to have convenient monotonicity and supermultiplicativity properties.

Item type Book Section
ISBN 1590338669
Subjects Historical > Faculty/School/Research Centre/Department > School of Engineering and Science
Historical > FOR Classification > 0199 Other Mathematical Sciences Information Systems
Keywords ResPubID5868, geometric mean, supermultiplicativity, Jensen’s inequality, convex functions, ‬inequalities, lemma, superadditive map
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