Influence of Order Winning Strategy on Collaboration between Manufacturer and Supplier to Achieve Better Outcomes: Current Knowledge and a Research Proposal

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Sadler, Ian and Banchuen, Pongpak (2009) Influence of Order Winning Strategy on Collaboration between Manufacturer and Supplier to Achieve Better Outcomes: Current Knowledge and a Research Proposal. In: Proceedings of 16th International Annual EurOMA Conference: Implementation - Realizing Operations Management Knowledge. Chalmers University, Goteborg, Sweden, p. 47.


To achieve effective supply chain management, firms need to design appropriate integration with their key suppliers. Such integration could help to enhance manufacturing firms' capabilities and avoid inefficiencies and increase profits but there is little specific research on this integration. This research will look at the relationship between Thai manufacturers and key suppliers to find out whether choice of mode of collaboration enables them to win orders and attain the desired business outcomes. Research focuses on the relationship between manufacturer's order winning strategy and the type of collaboration with key suppliers. Conference held: 14-17 June 2009, Goteborg, Sweden

Item type Book Section
Subjects Historical > Faculty/School/Research Centre/Department > School of Management and Information Systems
Historical > FOR Classification > 1503 Business and Management
Historical > SEO Classification > 9104 Management and Productivity
Keywords ResPubID18770, chain management, supply, manufacturing, collaboration, order-winning strategy, supply chain dyad
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