Towards Risk Minimization for Novice Gamblers: A 'Not So Expert' System

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McGrath, Michael (2009) Towards Risk Minimization for Novice Gamblers: A 'Not So Expert' System. In: Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2009. Höpken, W, Gretzel, U and Law, R, eds. Springer, New York, pp. 123-134.


Book subtitle: Proceedings of the International Conference in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2009. Racing (thoroughbred, harness and greyhound) brings many visitors and economic and social benefits to regional areas in Australia. Many casual gamblers, however, have little knowledge of racing and of the fundamental rules that underpin its various forms (which, while reasonably consistent across both location and type, do differ in some respects). Thus, in this paper, we introduce a decision support system designed to assist and educate novice punters. A motive underpinning this research was a desire to produce a tool that might assist visitors wishing to experience the Australian provincial racing circuit to get the most out of their involvement.

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Item type Book Section
DOI 10.1007/978-3-211-93971-0_11
Official URL
ISBN 9783211939703 (print) 9783211939710 (online)
Subjects Historical > FOR Classification > 0806 Information Systems
Historical > SEO Classification > 9003 Tourism
Historical > Faculty/School/Research Centre/Department > Centre for Tourism and Services Research (CTSR)
Keywords ResPubID16940, tourism activities, gambling, decision support systems
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