Intercultural Relations in a Global and Transnational World

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Lobo, Michele, Marcotta, Vince and Oke, Nicole (2011) Intercultural Relations in a Global and Transnational World. In: Intercultural Relations in a Global World. Lobo, Michele, Marotta, Vince and Oke, Nicole, eds. On diversity . Common Ground, Champaign, Ill., pp. 1-10.


Economic and cultural globalisation has increased and intensified cross-cultural contacts and has resulted in an increasing number of 'multiple' and hybrid cultures. Cross-cultural contacts have created moments of tensions and incommmensurability, but also moments of dialogue, understanding and transgression. The exploration of cross-cultural contacts in a global transnational world is essential in understanding how we can learn to live with difference in ways that go beyond tolerance. Nonetheless such a dialogue is difficult, particularly if cross-cultural contact between dominant and minority cultures is based on unequal power relationships.

Item type Book Section
ISBN 9781863359047
Subjects Historical > FOR Classification > 1608 Sociology
Historical > FOR Classification > 2002 Cultural Studies
Historical > Faculty/School/Research Centre/Department > School of Social Sciences and Psychology
Historical > SEO Classification > 9599 Other Cultural Understanding
Keywords ResPubID23945, diversity, interculturalism, multiculturalism, globalisation, social theory, migration studies
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