End User as Application Developer for Decision Support

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Miah, Shah Jahan (2009) End User as Application Developer for Decision Support. In: AMCIS 2009 proceedings. Association for Information Systems.


This paper discusses a new generation end-user cent red information service view, for developing decisi on support applications. The tailorable solution allows specif ic applications to be designed by end-users, where integrity is assured by the architecture’s control in knowledge-based sy stems. In the development approach, the end-users a t different level engage in interaction for secondary application cre ation. This initiative reinforces a shift from the traditional IS development process to a new provision where end-us ers can actively participate for a secondary applic ation design. A secondary application design can be seen as a secon dary activity for tailoring applications by the end users so that it fits within their context. However, the achievable bound aries of the architecture and the interplaying role s of end-users for the secondary design are still emergent and increas ingly of interest to researchers. This paper descri bes a process by which 'end-users-as-designers' engage in the second ary design or redesign processes of decision suppor t applications in a rural industry context. --15th AMCIS (Americas Conference of Information Systems). San Francisco : 6-9 August, 2009. Paper 142

Item type Book Section
URI https://vuir.vu.edu.au/id/eprint/9796
Official URL http://aisel.aisnet.org/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?articl...
Subjects Historical > Faculty/School/Research Centre/Department > School of Management and Information Systems
Historical > FOR Classification > 0806 Information Systems
Keywords ResPubID22730, end-users, DSS, tailorable design, decision support systems
Citations in Scopus 18 - View on Scopus
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