Sloshing is the oscillation of a liquid within a partially full container. In the study of sloshing, efforts are usually made to suppress sloshing, due to its potentially harmful effects in storage and transport [1], [2] and [3]. On the other hand, sloshing has an inherent ability to dissipate kinetic energy via shearing of the fluid. Hence, liquid sloshing may be employed as an effective energy sink to provide protection for light and flexible structures exposed to excessive levels of vibration [4], [5] and [6]. In a sloshing absorber, frequency of sloshing is tuned to be the same as a critical structural frequency. Tuning of the sloshing frequency involves designating the free surface length and the liquid depth in a rectangular container. Studies on the effect of the sloshing absorber's shape on its control performance, are limited at best [7]. In the published literature, practical application has mainly been limited to rectangular [8], cylindrical [9] and toroidal shapes [10]. The lack of a comprehensive investigation on the shape of a sloshing absorber was the motivation to study the sloshing of the raw content of a hen's egg by So and Semercigil [11].