This paper discusses some of the equity issues relating to electronic education in general, and the equity issue of access in particular. The usage of the Internet by Victoria University students at the Footscray Park campus studying Introduction to Marketing (BHO 1171), a core subject in the curriculum of the Faculty of Business and Law courses, is examined. The data collected, in the pilot research project undertaken, relates to the ownership of a computer, and whether or not Internet connection is maintained at home. The place of access for all students is also investigated (whether at work, university or elsewhere, such as through a friend's computer or an Internet cafe). Students were asked if they had ever used the Internet to order goods and/or services. The data are then compared with similar data collected at Swinburne University, and the Sunbury campus of Victoria University. It is planned to continue collecting similar data over a number of subsequent semesters in different years for a longitudinal study.