Injury is a major problem for dancers. There is now substantial evidence that psychological interventions can reduce injury in dance and in sport. When planning intervention programs designed to help reduce injuries to dancers, researchers or practitioners should identify the major psychosocial factors that are associated with injury risk, perceived by performers, preferably using a combination of quantitative and qualitative research or assessment methods. This article illustrates this approach to the design of interventions with an example from our research with Korean ballet dancers. We used quantitative methods and conducted a prospective study of psychosocial factors and injury, based on the stress-injury model in sport. We also carried out qualitative research, in which we interviewed 20 professional ballet dancers and asked about stressful situations they experienced and coping strategies they used during practice and performance. More efficient and effective interventions are likely to emerge, if interventions are designed on the basis of research or assessment of dancers, who are the target of the research or practice.