This paper discusses the personal and professional development needs of Quality Managers. It has been presumed that training is the most important factor to improve quality, once commitment is present. This paper poses the question as to whether Quality training is objectively, systematically, and continuously performed in Australia. In previous research by the authors, it was ascertained that training is often initiated by individuals and provided by private providers as directed by the client. It is of interest to determine if the two largest professional associations for Quality, Australian Organisation for Quality (AOQ) and SAI (Global) perform in this respect. Questions of interest included: what do they offer; how do they determine the needs of their members; who provides these programmes; how do they communicate these programmes to their members; how do they evaluate the success or otherwise of their programmes; and by what process of evaluation do they determine future needs. These data have been collated and analysed and it is concluded that a specifically designed and comprehensive training needs analysis for Quality Managers is being neglected and that the initiation for professional development remains with the individual.