This study investigates the key requirements for the development of a Masters Degree Program in Educational Administration in private higher education institutions in Thailand. The key requirements are concerned with the essential indicators of educational quality management for an effective program. The quality indicators recognise current best practice for educational effectiveness and quality management. The population sample consists of academics holding executive or administrative positions in Masters Degree Programs in Educational Administrations or related fields in state and private universities in Thailand. The research involves a Proactive Form of Evaluation, in which a set of benchmarks appropriate to the practical needs of program designers in educational administration was developed. A mixed methods approach, using both quantitative and qualitative methodology, was applied. The quantitative research involved a three-round modified Delphi survey of nineteen Thai experts in the field of educational administration, all of whom were purposively selected. The Delphi survey identified four best practice and composite indicators and their variables: visionary leadership; learning centred education; organisation and personal learning; and valuing faculty, staff, and partners. A second survey, based on the findings of the initial Delphi survey, verified the key variables amongst the composite indicators. The qualitative research components involved a research review of best practice in the use of composite indicators and their variables, and semistructured interviews. The four composite indicators of best practice, and their associated fifty-eight variables concerned with input, process and output, were validated by triangulation of the results obtained from the initial Delphi survey, the second survey, and the outcomes of the series of semi-structured interviews held at the conclusion of the two surveys. Ultimately, the study produced an Educational Quality Management model for a Masters Degree Program in Educational Administration in private higher education institutions in Thailand.