PDF was attached to self-summission. Email sent 14/10/11 "Some time ago you deposited your PhD thesis “Habit Modification in Consumption: Theory and Evidence” into Victoria University’s Institutional Repository (VUIR). Unfortunately content on VUIR is restricted to “material which represents publicly available research and scholarly output of the University” [http://w2.vu.edu.au/library/eprints/guidelines.htm]. Whilst this includes PhD theses of VU students, it doesn’t include theses created by staff whilst they were students elsewhere. I suggest that you deposit your thesis with Melbourne University’s ePrints Repository UMER). The link is http://www.lib.unimelb.edu.au/eprints/ - see under ‘Depositing other publications and thesis’. We will make the metadata available in VUIR, however the attached PDF will be removed. Should it become available via UMER we will be able to add a link to the metadata to direct users to the fulltext." Thesis added to dark upload 15/7/2020 Lyn